          China Communist should not allow any one label honest talk as "非法操作" This may explain how come you must not allo 結婚西裝w anyone out of your place to do bu 租房子siness in your Communist territory. Because making profits 買屋is business only goal, they don't care your people's live or die, they don& 小額信貸#39;t care righteousness, the less evil one like ChangRongFar and WangYongChin they could not bend to that low 土地買賣, they just leave you alone, those evil doers like "Hong.High.Gwall" just do whatever low to kiss your officials ass to get all p 房地產ockets full. All man is fool, your Communist man cannot be out of that fool, therefore, sooner or later all boneless falling or collapse under the 宜蘭民宿ir sucks. You just need to see how all you like ass kissers in your site, you cannot even tolerate this "May.Gwall.Loud" 's honest talk, how dare you think your offic 買屋ial can have the strength firm enough to withstand those ass kissers's sucks.(Tue May 01 2007 04:55AM) You need learn from Russia Putin's strong will and firm determination to get all non-China 開幕活動 Communist people out of any private business in your place. (Tue May 01 2007 05:00AM)   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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