          Why you Taiwanese must not trust "Gwall.Mean.Down" and China Communist personal voice? Hong Kong is the China Communist personal voice failure showed in front of your eyes.The reason that Thatcher agreed to handed HongKong to China Communsit was based on China Communist party personal promised that they would do what U.K.Queen failed to really own the entire HongKong place, that Thatcher seen Taiwan military force ob 裝潢viously failed to do the righteous duty to really taken over entire Taiwan area to be the owner like China Communist force showed in the Mainland China. Thatcher failed (Why Iron woman like her failed so badly? Because Iron woman must not have a Queen, must show her iron to be able good enough to feed herself not to rely on Tax payers bill, must 建築設計 show her good enough to have a little man willing to married her not ever dare challenge her sex hard so that to keep her pure virgin to the end, she failed to do like that, she cannot be a real strong woman, not mention to be Ironed; fake man is liar, cannot have honest eyes to see things right.) to see that personal integrity cannot live long like real Military f 新成屋orce can, you U.K. military dare not do the duty to kill anyone lawless Godless shamelessly occupying your own U.K. Kingdom's lot (Even in your rental apartment, you must have right to be the master at your rental place that even the land lord must have no right to invade your private right not mention those slaves lack of the integrity and good will to carry fire arms openly fight to 澎湖民宿 die for their master or follow their master to die. ) , you cannot expect any slave can have the guts to die for their dead body master's voice.That's why you must not take any USA official words as well, not even to have the brainless to take any their oral voice after their Senate (Therefore, in order for those States in US Senate voted for impeached their USA liar Presdient Bill Clinton to keep t 新成屋heir individual State credibility, they should demand USA military force to take over their state boundary and land and give up US Dollar Bill replaced with the currency made by Military force so that to cut their tie with their Fed head's lie. ) let their liar USA President get away out of his lies lawfully. Therefore, you own force, you know how to kill, you have to bomb all USA official office and kill all USA official who 買房子 dare shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly show up on stage to talk after thier lair President Bill Clinton got away out of his lies officially, not mention those shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly heartlessly abused their public office to travel around the globe to step on your soil to see your common law and social moral integrity like nothing. Therefore, you should know how come you own nuclear weapon, you have to do your duty to nuclear entire Mainl 會場佈置and China (Because China Communist not only failed to be the master of HongKong to own the entire HongKong land, but also lost all their Mainland China landlord deeds.) and the entire Continent of America (Why I saw this point so late? Because Bush junior still has his good house wife to cover up for his lie, still has his personal mankind moral value and integrity to cover up his lie, his personal loyalty did not even get my attention until his sucking slave Condi Ric 婚禮顧問e showed her sucking shameless abusive to that coward France President in front of the world eyes. I did not see 0bama evil side before I knew he committed treason dad and treason husband crimes. As regard JFK and Bill Clinton's treason dad crime, not got into my mind, because at that time I did not have any interest in any political issue in USA. I provided my ID to support my Congress to impeach Bill Clinton because I watched USA news in order to sharp my English ears offended by Bill Cl 關鍵字廣告inton and his sucking team abusive lawless Godless "Monday.Boot.John.Lead" tooled fooled Minority and special interest gangsters grouped crimes.), because Latin American obviously too stupid bad ugly evil to live independently integrity by themself, they first slaved by Vantican, then white man, then following low lower lowest evil Chinese to go to the deepest darkest man made hells.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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